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Resting After Workout

The Science behind our approch

The Whole Hormonal Truth

Many Women feel blindsided by the changes that begin to set in around 40.  It's common to feel confused, frustrated and hopeless.  We are on a mission to change this and ensure Women have access to the truth about their bodies and a place to go to for tools to thrive in midlife.


The truth is, labeling our hormones solely as sex hormones has done Women everywhere a huge disservice.  While these hormones are a huge driver of ovulation, menstruation and reproduction - our Estrogen and Progesterone actually have a hand in almost every physiological function our brain and body performs daily.  So it is no surprise when our hormones begin to fluctuate (as early as 35) EVERYTHING changes.  


The easiest way to explain it is as Estrogen and Progesterone begin to decline, it affects our  bodies ability to adapt to (damn near everything) stress, exercise, sleep and nutrition. 


So what use to work fine, no longer works and we find ourselves not feeling able to handle things the way we used to.


Here's a brief overview of all the functions Estrogen and Progesterone support in your body beyond reproduction


Probably the single most amazing thing about a Woman's body is it's ability to adapt.  Think of your menopausal era as your body's adaptation journey  It's going through a metamorphosis to prepare for your best decades yet.


Although you are loosing Estrogen and Progesterone, we have learned from the science (of those focusing on studying a Woman's body) that if we can create a strong external stimulus, we can create an adaptive change to support all the functions of Estrogen and bring ourselves back to balance.



Lifting​ HEAVY weights will create a strong enough external stimulus to get a Central Nervous System response.  This response can take the place of Estrogen and Progesterone and help maintain the above vital functions of our well-being.


Strength training in midlife can help Women manage their Menopause symptoms, body composition and reduce the risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia and more. 

Preserving skeletal muscle has been shown to be the key to longevity and we want to light that fire and passion for strength training for well-being and longevity in Women!


In addition to strength training we are big advocates for sprint training and it's impact on cardiovascular health and body composition.  Sprint training is going to your 100% max effort in an exercise for 30 seconds then taking a full minute of rest and repeating for at least 3-4 rounds.  The science shows that it will burn 40% more fat than steady state of zone 2 cardio.  Our classes end with a metabolic sprint finisher to give Women the tools to effectively manage their body composition.


Looking for 1 on 1 support

Private strength training sessions are available with our trainers.  Let us know how we can best support you.

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240-547-9527 - TEXT ONLY

Inside SHIFT YOGA Studio

Cherry Tree Shopping Center, Lower Level

11200 Scaggsville Road, Suite 129

Fulton, MD 20759

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